Shorelines Indonesia Than 3000 islands in Indonesia is supposed to be the belle of the largest tourist beaches in the World if the way is a professional management of government and private parties. Shoreline in Indonesia longer than the number of road in Indonesia is a great asset for tourism designation, because if we calculate the circumference of shoreline on each island in the whole island in Indonesia will be astonishing to boost tourism. communities closest to the beach should be given a special meaning to the rules of the beach from the beauty, cleanliness, preserve and safety, due to the clean and beautiful tourist will automatically come soon, although not on the bill. Huge capital allocation Indonesai State coastal tourism will boost the addition of foreign countries. How can this be a fundamental awareness of the Nation, for today is to take part in the country's politics are no secret money is the commander of the success / popularity, was playing politics at this time few in number and only in the political arena by the steering wheel and the circle link people - certain people and that's - that's all So drop of Politics 1 Switch to B dropped from B to move to 2 and so on so politics is a tool for business or earnings risk and what you can dredge path, the severity of these people can only watch and can not do much or more. Where a State has bepedoman on Money and Power Commander power, just waiting for the time of Ahzab Allah, what would that be meted out to the state we are beloved. Hopefully given the state of consciousness, politics healthy and beneficial to the Nation.
Sejarah Jagawana Batas Leuweung Jati Membentang sampai Cikamurang Sumedang
Leuweung Jati Ujung Jaya Sumedang. بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَـٰنِ الرَّحِيمِ Kondisi dan tata letak daerah Ujungjaya zaman dahulu masuk ke kawedanaan Conggeang zaman masih kerajaan dahulu, karena pada saat zaman itu, Daerah ini sangat strategis karena merupakan dan tempat subur Hutan Jati Paling Unggul di Wilayah Sumedang yaitu pasti adanya di daerah Ujungjaya , walaupun di Darmaraja ada yang disebut Waduk menjadi disebut Jati Gede, tapi yang sesungguhnya hutan jati yang terkenal pada zaman kerajaan yaitu yang dinamakan Jati Satim di Daerah Cikuleu , Sakurjaya Kecamatan Ujungjaya Sumedang , sayang Hutan Jati Satim Cikuleu sudah punah dan hanya menyisakan sedikit di area ka Buyutan Cikuleu , seharusnya dari Jajaran Kehutanan Ujung jaya tetap dijadikan menjadi daerah Hutan Lindung sebagai Hutan Jati-Jati Unggulan di Wilayah Jawa Barat seharusnya [dibuatkan tempat sebagai Agrowisata Hutan Jati Alam yang sempurna] siapa yang merubah bentuk hutan jati menjadi hutan kare...